'ESPAÑA 2004'
The purpose and concept of One Frame Exhibits are to encourage new exhibitors and to provide established exhibitors with the opportunity to prepare exhibits on subjects or themes that cannot be treated well in more than one frame.
One Frame Exhibits and their elements may come from any of FIP competitive classes.
Article 1: Competitive Exhibitions
In accordance with Article 1.4 of the FIP GREV, these Special Regulations have been developed to supplement the principles of GREV, Article 3, with particular regard to One Frame Exhibits.
Article 2: Competitive Exhibits
One Frame Exhibits contain philatelic/postal material pertinent to any one of the FIP approved classes. One Frame Exhibits are narrow in scope but the depth of treatment and importance is as complete as possible.
Exhibits in this class should not simply be One Frame extracted from a mu1tiple frame exhibit and should be based on a subject that is best treated as One Frame.
(Exhibits are also welcome from novice exhibitors who are developing a subject which is capable of expanding to more than One Frame in the near future).
Artic1e 3: Princip1es of Exhibit Composition
The principles defined in the Special Regulations of the FIP competitive classes for Traditional Philately, Postal History, Postal Stationery, Thematic Philately, Aerophilately, Astrophilately, Maximaphily and Revenues (in the Youth class only in an age group C) are also valid for One Frame Exhibits.
Emphasis is placed upon knowledge, presentation and development -the exhibit should hold visitors' attention from the first to the last page and be informative, as well as educational.
One Frame Exhibits are a chance for both beginners and advanced exhibitors.
The concept or plan of the exhibit should be clearly explained on introductory page (GREV, Article 3.3).
Article 4: Criteria for Evaluation
In accordance with Article 4 of the GREV, the following criteria are used:
- Treatment and Philatelic Importance
- Philatelic Knowledge, Personal Study and Research
- Condition and Rarity of material exhibited
- Presentation
In accordance with Article 4.3 of the GREV, for One Frame Exhibits a sharply defined. easy to follow subject/theme where each philatelic piece is necessary for the development, with a Title reflecting in the best possib1e way the content of the exhibit, is essential.
Article 5: Judging of Exhibits
One Frame Exhibits will be judged by accredited jurors in their respective fields and in accordance with Section V, Articles 31-47 of GREX and Article 5 of GREV .
One Frame Exhibits will be evaluated by allocating points for each of the following criteria:
5.1 Traditional Philately Classes
1. Treatment and Importance 30
2. Philatelic Knowledge, Personal Study and Research 35
3. Condition and Rarity 30
(Difficulty of acquisition is also considered)
4. Presentation 5
Total 100
5.2 Thematic Philately Class
1. Treatment and Development 35
- Title and Plan
- Development of the Theme
- Creativity and Innovation
2. Knowledge, Personal Study and Research 30
- Philatelic and Thematic Knowledge and Research
3. Condition and Rarity 30
(Difficulty of acquisition is a1so considered)
4. Presentation 5
Total 100
Article 6.-Palmares
6.1 All the exhibitors will receive a commemorative medal
6.2. They will also receive a diploma showing the qualification obtained according to the following scale
From 50 to 69 points Bonze
From 70 to 89 point Silver
90 or more points Gold