Jan 11, 2020 Spink China
1895 (11 Sept.) envelope to Amoy bearing Black Flag Republic die III 30 cash blue vertical pair cancelled by "taiwan republic/tainan" c.d.s. with a fine strike of the Local Post Office Amoy c.d.s. (14.9) alongside with a fine strike of the "postage due" handstamp with manuscript "2 cents". Fine and scarce with the completed postage due handstamp.
西式封寄廈門,貼台灣民主國三版薄紙藍色漎B錢直雙連獨虎郵票,銷 SEP 11, 1895 台灣民主國大圓戳,廈門SEP 14,1895 到達戳,並有手寫 "2 cents" 欠資.